Saturday, February 04, 2006
The Big Five-Oh

A lot of people are disturbed by this image, so I had better explain it. According to the ancient classical meditative traditions of India, a person's life is divided into twenty-five year sections: during the first twenty-five years, one is a student. For the second twenty-five years, one becomes a householder, and tends to worldly affairs. At age fifty, one should become a forest dweller; one should go live in a forest and think only of God. I have always liked this system, and have tried to live according to it. But when I turned fifty, it was obvious that it would be very inconvenient, both for myself and for many other people, if I went to live in a forest. First, in the state where I live it's illegal to live in the forests, and if I tried to do so I would probably end up being a jail dweller instead. So I decided that the forest in which I would live, thinking of God, would be in my mind, and that's what this painting is about.
This is an oil pastel drawing, 18" x 24", on paper. I would part with this deep spiritual statement for 350.00, framed, or send you a signed, dated, matted high resolution print for a mere 75.00. Some people have asked me what "high resolution print" means. I have all my copy work done by a very reputable, locally owned reproduction house that caters to architects, engineers, designers, and, occasionally, fine artists like myself. I have stuck with this company for nearly twenty years, because their work is unfailingly impeccable. All copies I sell are either mounted or copied directly on heavy, high quality, archival paper.